Saturday, March 16, 2013

I forgot to post this...

Ellie Cate is now 3 months old and a joy to have in our family :) She always seems to be happy and ready for anything.  She ADORES her big sister Abigail and when they are in the same room Ellie never takes her eyes off of her!  It is so amazing how quickly she is learning.  She constantly wants to be sitting up and seeing everything!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Countdown to Lowery #4

I never started this blog the way I wanted...I found this post today, I'll blame it on pregnancy brain that I totally forgot I started this blog...Now I hope I'll keep it up :)

Post from October 2012...
The paper countdown chain has been made, the bassinet has been pulled out of the closet, and the carseat has been put in the Rav4.  Baby comes in less than 6 days!!  We are all so very excited to meet him or her.  We have scheduled a C-Section for October 27th.  And unless I go into labor in the next few days, this will be baby's birthday.
But I may be jumping ahead of is the history of our little family.  Ryan Lowery and I (Sarah) met in high school.  It was 1998 and we were both babies(freshman).  We shared a Geometry class together and Ryan would always come to the back of the class to ask me what I got on a problem.  (I was only sitting at the back of the class because the teacher was the freshman football coach and wanted his players in the front row...favoritism or to keep an eye on them I don't care...I did not want to sit in the back!  Oh, well...I'm over it now)  So, he would come back and talk to me and from there our little relationship grew.  Maybe it was because he had never talked to me before (I came from the small country school of Arcohe and he came from the bigger city school of Greer) or maybe it was because he was attracted to awkward freshman girls with braces...who knows!...I'm just glad he did.  One afternoon before a weekend he asked for a hug because he would miss me so much.  Awww that was it...I was done for ;-)  After that I would go to his football games, he would come to my Volleyball games and our love grew.  In February of the next year we went out on our first date.  He asked me to go to the movies.  We went and saw "Simply Irresistible."  To this day it is still one of my all time favorites!  The only draw back to our date was that my parents (the strictest parents I know) wouldn't let me go unless his mom went too...needless to say it's a little awkward when your "boyfriend's" mom is on a date with you.  He was very mature about it and didn't complain.  On the drive home from the movies, while I sat in the middle of their tiny pick-up truck with his mom on my left and himself on my right, he gave me a Valentine's present.  It was a cute heart necklace that I still wear to this day.  <3  Later that month we went to the Valentine's Dance together.  I wore the necklace he gave me and we had a splendid time.  I remember him jumping up onto his chair, when a good slow song came on, jumping over the back of the chair and coming to find me on the dance floor so he could dance with me.  It's things like that that you never want to forget <3.  It wasn't until May 12, 1999 that we became official "boyfriend and girlfriend" and to this day he will not let me live down the fact that I said "sure" instead of yes. He says, like I didn't have anything better to do so I agreed to be his girlfriend.  The truth is I was so excited and surprised that he really had asked me that I couldn't get any other word out.  (Needless to say, I made sure to say yes when he asked me to marry him)  Through the years of high school we got to know each other very well.  I remember the first time he held my hand at the Sacramento County Fair in '99, our first kiss on the Galt High School campus in the Fall of that year, numerous sporting events (his and mine), multi lunches at Cafe Latte in Galt, and the list goes on and on.  I love my high school sweetheart memories and I love that we have grown together over the years so well.  After high school we both attended CSU, Sacramento.  I got my BA in Liberal Studies and he spent 2+ years trying to find what he loved to science, criminal justice, business, psychology  etc.  Even though he still has not found what he would truly love to be doing for a career, he provides for his family very well.  With my BA in hand, I went on to get my teaching credential and have been teaching since 2006.  In that same year I had another surprise.  I got engaged.  On November 16, 2005 Ryan Lowery asked me to make him the happiest man on the planet and become his wife.  I of course said "yes" (as per my earlier story).  The night was wonderful and I luckily caught a lot of it on my camera.  I always have my camera handy and I had it this night because he said he was making me dinner, and he never does that.  I also had a hunch it may be happening because his mom treated me to a mani/pedi that afternoon...and he had been asking me about when a good time to talk to my dad would be...Even though I kinda knew it was happening, it was still overly wonderful and romantic.  I walked into his house before dinner to my handsome boyfriend all spiffed up in a shirt and tie.  He had a pitcher of Midori margaritas ready for us and appetizer salads on the table.  Dinner was in the over, and he was all about making the night perfect.  The conversation was normal, but you could tell he was excited.  After dinner, which was bacon wrapped fillet mignon, we had chocolate covered strawberries.  And of course he tried to swindle me into believing that he dipped the strawberries himself...I let it go without telling him I thought he was fibbing.  After dessert, with my margarita in hand, I went and sat on the couch and listened to the classical music that he had playing in the background.  After he did the dishes he came and joined me, we kissed a little and exchanged very few words and then it happened.  He looked at me, got down on one knee, pulled out a green little box and told me how wonderful I was and how he would be the happiest man on the planet if I would become his wife.  Fighting back tears of joy, I said "yes I would."  I was so happy and excited and nervous.  We hugged, kissed and then he held me close and we danced for a bit.  It was a wonderful moment, that has now become a wonderful memory.  We ended the night with a dip in the spa and many goofy photos that are now safely tucked away in a scrapbook.  We had fun announcing our engagement to our friends and family.  I was also very excited to show off my beautiful princess cut solitaire ring in my graduation photos.  We planned for a May 12, 2007 wedding, and I was glad for the time that I had to plan my princess wedding.  We had to have this day (and make sure it fell on a weekend) because that is the anniversary of when he "asked me out."  And we both loved the idea of keeping this date alive.  After we got married, we lived in an apartment for 2 years in Elk Grove.  Then we made the wonderful purchase of our first home.  On May 1, 2009 we were given the keys to our brand new town home.  It's lovely.  It looks Tuscan with the rounded entry way and the tiled roof.  I absolutely love it and I love town life a lot more than I thought I would.  We are in walking distance of so much, but we aren't right next to any shopping areas.  Little did we know, when we moved into our new home we were also a few months pregnant.  We welcomed our first child into the world on February 3, 2010.  She was a surprise and we love her so very much.  She is brilliant and kind and beautiful.  We have lived in our home for 3 years now.  And we have been through Ryan's unemployment, a baby, my unemployment, and now another baby.  Which brings me back to the beginning of this post and my title.  I have always considered myself a motherly type, and now I'm fulfilling that prophecy for myself with baby #2.  So, our next important date will be October 27, 2012.

The next post would have been something like...

Baby #2 came a day before my scheduled C-section! 
We have a new Lowery :)  
Eliza Catherine Lowery was born on 
Oct. 26, 2012 
at around 2pm after a night spent in the hospital.  Overall a good experience because she came normally and  I had a successful V-back.   Big sissy Abby is very happy that she has a new sister (she really didn't want to have a brother) I can't wait to share our family of four's stories :)